eight n. 1.八的记号。 2.八人[物]一组;(八人的)赛艇选手。 3. 8字形(物);【溜冰】8字形花样。 4. 八汽缸发动机,八汽缸汽车。 5. 八点钟;八岁;八号衣服[鞋袜];(纸牌中的)8。 eight-fifteen 8点15分。 a piece of eight (西班牙从前的)8R (=8 reals) 银币。 at eight 在八点钟。 eight ball 1. 【美撞球】标有8字的黑球〔把这个球最先打进袋里,就全盘算输〕。 2. 【无线电】无定向话筒。 be behind the eight ball 〔美俚〕处境危险[非常不利]。 eight bells 【航海】八击钟〔分别在四时半、八时半及十二时半各击钟一下,其后每半小时递增一击,逢四时、八时及十二时刚好八击〕。 in eights 用八个音节的诗行。 have one over the eight 〔英俚〕醉得七颠八倒。 the Eights 牛津及剑桥两大学的划船比赛。
On the cultural mechanism of the long - term existence of eight - part essay 论八股文长期沿用的文化机制
Yuan hongdao and the eight - part essay 袁宏道与八股文
The eight - part essay writing in the imperial examination system has drawn much criticism , especially on the daiyan part 摘要科举考试专用文体之一的八股文历来受到人们的批判和指斥,其“代言”又成为人们批判八股文的重要内容。
Eight - part essay is a kind of stereotyped writing style , the criticism of which has hardly ceased since the ming dynasty 摘要八股文是一种相当僵化的文体,自明代开始,对八股文的批评几乎无时或息,但它为什么能够长期沿用达五百多年之久呢?
Therefore , four books and five classics and eight - part essays became the main knowledge to be acquired and the knowledge that was not related to the examination was discarded 也正因此, 《四书五经》和八股文成为士人所学习的主要知识,其他无关应考的知识一概被摒弃。
Children began to read at the age of seven or still younger , and they learned four books and five classics by much recitation and understood the from of eight - part essays , thereby preparing for the imperial examination 这一学习观认为,儿童在七八岁甚至更小时就应该开蒙读书,以反复背诵的方式学习《四书五经》 ,熟悉八股文格式,为将来的科举考试作准备。